English and your Company

Hello to all of our Friends and followers of this One Language Blog, once again we gather here to share our experineces and opinions; this time we wanted to go a little further, very conscious on the importance of this tool for the personal and professional development, we set ourselves to go beyond through the scope of how the language could be beneficial for your company on this even more globalized world, as we have mentioned before, now it is more common to interact with people with whom we don’t always share the same language and we can overcome this through the universality of the English language. 

Due to this, it is very important to point out that One Langauge has a 100% communicative approach, that focuses on boosting the communication skills, and since we are also a Test center for TOEFL ltp, this alows us to certify the level achieved by our students with a widely known and internationally validated instrument.

The training on languages is something very imortamt that companies take into consideration. It is for this reason that if you don’t want to be left behind on the digital business wave, you must take on this challenge. It’s not only necessary to demand that a company’s staff posseses the aability to seak English, this is also something embedded into the deep core of the company’s identity, which shows and proves professionalism and, above all, portrays a great interest for growth in the current market. This is seen in a positive way not only by the own staff, but also by other businesses that are looking for alliances for their comercial strategies. Being this said, the English language can open and infinity of doors for you.

But Why Enlglish? It’s more tan crystal clear that is almost a universal language. It’s not only spoken in most of the countries, but also a large part of companies use it daily for business. Even though having any language as a resoruce would be ideal, when you get to choose one, English has to be the fittest and most beneficial.

Over 70% of the information we find on the internet is in English. This shows the imortance of the language for any business that wants to make their way in the digital world. You will definitely find the language along the way and growth of your business. From meetings to documents, and even, for your own website. Nowadays, having your own translated website is an amazing asset. You can broaden your audience, position yourself better on the web searches and even boost your brand’s visibility regarding your competition.

The use of technology is also associated to the Englsh language. Many platforms, softwares and tech gadgets come with instructions and manuals only in this language. Imagine how counterproductive to you it would be, if you lose the chance to use a new resource to enhance your business, or to stablish an alliance with another company, just for now knowing or having the language. That’s why it is so important to study the language as a target in any business plan.

Advantages of English for a company:

As you can see, there are many benefits that the English language can provide to your business, as well as the opportunities that you can miss if you don’t assume this challenge, but if still with this, you don’t decide to invest on the training for new languages, or you think your company doesn’r need it, we will tell you about two key advantages that will leave no hint of doubt for you.

Improves al lof your company’s relationships:

Al lof the company’s comercial relationships are favored when you have and know English. On the inside, it is possible to develop new skills and even take on new profesional challenges, as well as the posibilty of having native speakers to improve your company’s working system. On the outside, it favors presentations, meetings and all type of negotiations. In other words, your company’s possibilities grow exponentially.

Massive comercial development:

All the commercial development of your company increases when the English language is present. The image of your business becomes even more profesional, it displays integrity in all your operations and naturally, you start to be seen with different eyes from your competition and other companies can see you as an ally.

Consequently, we want to highlight that having professionals who know the language in your company, it’s not just an advantage but also necessary to face the new challenges of this globalized world, and it will allow us to reach further with our products and services.

We expect that this takes you on a reflective path, in order for you to take the next step, we invite you to know our website and to folow us on our social media, Instagran, Facebook and Linkedin.

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