English is not just a language ….

Hi dear One Language’ friends. Once again we gather in this virtual space to share opinions, experiences or just to talk about things related to English.

When we ask ourselves on how to improve our resume, one of the first things that comes to our minds is to learn a new language. We think it will give us more job or travel opportunities and that maybe it can allow us to explore other working areas.

Do you think you can get all this by signing on an English course?

If your answer is YES, I’m sorry to tell you you’re wrong.

Learning another language is an investment. It is acquiring a tool that you will not only use at work, but also that will provide you with a new way of seeing life and facing daily situations. It means to open your expectations towards new horizons, destinations, adventures and challenges.

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As mentioned on previous blog posts, nowadays it is a must for professionals to have the ability to interact with English-speaking people. Today, we live in a world where thanks to technology, distances are shortened and it is not insane to think about a virtual meeting with 5 people from different places all over the world.

That is why we restate English as not just a language. It is a tool and like any tool, we should take care of it in order to use it correctly. If we don’t use it regularly it will get rusty. Like any other tool, we have to oil it and that can only be achieved by practicing every day.

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es philip-swinburn-vS7LVkPyXJU-unsplash-1024x683.jpg

We invite you to get to know our proposals, whether to practice, learn and improve your English, or just to travel and become a #Slowtraveller who constantly seeks to merge with the culture being visited.

Contact us! Let’s have coffee and talk. Come to know our methodology 100% communicative and let’s not only acquire a tool but also have fun in the process.

If you want more information, don’t forget to read our previous blog posts and follow us on our social media.

Soon we will have interesting news

te ayudamos a Alcanzar tus metas

Estudia inglés con nosotros y cumple las metas que simpre quisiste. Viaja por el mundo o postula a nuevas oportunidades laborales.



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¡Recuerda que estamos subiendo contenido nuevo todas las semanas!


Go on!

Te puede interesar

Communication, language and art

Hello friends and followers of the One Language blog. Once again, this virtual space gives us space to meet and continue sharing with you our

One language teacher zack

Zack Adventures in Chile

Bienvenidos amigos de blog de One Language, una vez más nos encontramos en este espacio virtual. Esta semana les traemos la traducción del blog anterior,


Seras rederigido al test de inglés. Cuando recibamos tus respuesta te contactaremos lo antes posibles.


to One Language

Te invitamos a ser parte de esta gran comunidad


Déjanos tus datos y te contactaremos a la brevedad.

Tus datos serán tratados bajo las normas vigente para el procesamientos de los datos personales en el Estado de Chile.

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Instituto One Language
Hola soy Jessica, Directora de One Language. Feliz de contestar todas tus consultas. Welcome to One Language, we want the Best Version of You!